About us

في خضم معركة العالم مع فايروس كورونا ، كنت حينها اطور وصفة محشي ورق العنب الخاصه بي، وقررت حينها البدء بمشروعي المنزلي تحت مسمى رولز 33
بعد فترة وجيزة اتحد شغفي بشغف اخي المغرم بالسفر حول العالم وصنعنا علامة تجارية اشتهرت بتحضير محاشي متنوعة بالطريقه الاصليه
   نعدكم ان نستمر بإبهاركم بمحتوانا و دغدغة مشاعر بطونكم بمحاشينا الشهية اللذيذة وتقديم الاطباق الاقرب لقلوبكم
During Corona, when everything else was on hold, Sarah, who has a lot of love and passion for food, developed a recipe for stuffed grape leaves. She loved the results so she decided to start a business selling them from home:
Rolls 33.
Sarah's brother, who is a passionate traveler, joined her short after and supported her in creating a brand that is now known for cooking and preparing delicious and fresh (stuffed) food. Our aim is to make people happy by offering them tasty, homemade food. We promise to continue developing and providing delicious meals with care and love for our customers.